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지재권 연계 연구개발 전략지원 사업

  • 특허전략사업팀
  • 02-3287-4247, 4263

(특허·디자인 융합) 지재권 연계 연구개발 전략지원 사업

  • 융복합전략지원팀
  • 02-3287-4213 042-251-1768, 1770

표준특허 전략지원 사업

  • 표준특허전략팀
  • 02-3287-4349, 4335

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  • 범부처협력사업팀
  • 044-201-0005

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  • 특허전략사업팀
  • 융복합전략지원팀
  • 표준특허전략팀
  • 범부처협력사업팀

협력기관 등록, 실적증명서 발급 및 시스템 문의

표준특허 검색
테마별 검색
제목 + 분쟁내용
+ 상세검색 열기
검색 수 : 2,141
NO 표준화기구 표준번호 출원번호 기술분류 침해권리 발생일자 분쟁결과
2,141 ETSI 3GPP TS 36.211 US10486896 이동통신기술 특허 20250102 진행중
원 v. 피고명 Redwood Technologies LLC v. Broadcom Corporation
제품명 Broadcom’s devices that are compliant with IEEE 802.11n and/or IEEE 802.11ac and/or IEEE 802.11ax and/or 802.11be (e.g., the BCM20130, BCM20138, BCM43012, BCM43013, BCM43162, BCM5356, BCM5356U, BCM5357, BCM43224, BCM4323, BCM4331, BCM43460, BCM43525, BCM4356, BCM4360, BCM4366, BCM43684, BCM43694, BCM43720, BCM43740, BCM4375, BCM43752, BCM4389, BCM4390, BCM4392, BCM4398, BCM47186, BCM47452, BCM47622, BCM47722, BCM5358, BCM5358U, BCM63167, BCM63168, BCM63178, BCM63268, BCM63269, BCM6361, BCM6362, BCM6710, BCM6715, BCM6726, BCM67263, BCM6750, BCM6752, BCM6753, BCM6755, BCM6756, BCM6757, BCM6765, BCM94361, BCM943698, BCM94375, BCM94391 series)
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
2,140 ETSI 3GPP TS 36.211 US10486895 이동통신기술 특허 20250102 진행중
원 v. 피고명 Redwood Technologies LLC v. Broadcom Corporation
제품명 Broadcom’s devices that are compliant with IEEE 802.11n and/or IEEE 802.11ac and/or IEEE 802.11ax and/or 802.11be (e.g., the BCM20130, BCM20138, BCM43012, BCM43013, BCM43162, BCM5356, BCM5356U, BCM5357, BCM43224, BCM4323, BCM4331, BCM43460, BCM43525, BCM4356, BCM4360, BCM4366, BCM43684, BCM43694, BCM43720, BCM43740, BCM4375, BCM43752, BCM4389, BCM4390, BCM4392, BCM4398, BCM47186, BCM47452, BCM47622, BCM47722, BCM5358, BCM5358U, BCM63167, BCM63168, BCM63178, BCM63268, BCM63269, BCM6361, BCM6362, BCM6710, BCM6715, BCM6726, BCM67263, BCM6750, BCM6752, BCM6753, BCM6755, BCM6756, BCM6757, BCM6765, BCM94361, BCM943698, BCM94375, BCM94391 series)
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
2,139 IEEE 802.11a US10827445 디지털통신기술 특허 20250102 진행중
원 v. 피고명 Redwood Technologies LLC v. Broadcom Corporation
제품명 Broadcom’s devices that are compliant with IEEE 802.11n and/or IEEE 802.11ac and/or IEEE 802.11ax and/or IEEE 802.11be (e.g., the BCM20130, BCM20138, BCM43012, BCM43013, BCM43162, BCM5356, BCM5356U, BCM5357, BCM43224, BCM4323, BCM4331, BCM43460, BCM43525, BCM4356, BCM4360, BCM4366, BCM43684, BCM43694, BCM43720, BCM43740, BCM4375, BCM43752, BCM4389, BCM4390, BCM4392, BCM4398, BCM47186, BCM47452, BCM47622, BCM47722, BCM5358, BCM5358U, BCM63167, BCM63168, BCM63178, BCM63268, BCM63269, BCM6361, BCM6362, BCM6710, BCM6715, BCM6726, BCM67263, BCM6750, BCM6752, BCM6753, BCM6755, BCM6756, BCM6757, BCM6765, BCM94361, BCM943698, BCM94375, BCM94391 series)
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
2,138 IEEE 802.11ax US13729491 컴퓨터기술 특허 20250101 진행중
원 v. 피고명 OO Electronics Co LTD / OO Electronics America Inc v. Koninklijke KPN NV / Nederlandse Organisatie voor ToegepastNatuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO
제품명 Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signalling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Operator-assisted key establishment, Method and telecommunications network for controlling activation of at least one terminal in a machine-type communication application, Proximity discovery, authentication and link establishment between mobile devices in 3GPP LTE, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signaling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Providing enterprise services in a service provisioning network
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
2,137 ETSI TS 123 304 (RTS/TSGS-0223304vh50) version 17.5.0 -- 3GPP TS 23.304 version 17.5.0 US14762742 컴퓨터기술 특허 20250101 진행중
원 v. 피고명 OO Electronics Co LTD / OO Electronics America Inc v. Koninklijke KPN NV / Nederlandse Organisatie voor ToegepastNatuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO
제품명 Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signalling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Operator-assisted key establishment, Method and telecommunications network for controlling activation of at least one terminal in a machine-type communication application, Proximity discovery, authentication and link establishment between mobile devices in 3GPP LTE, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signaling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Providing enterprise services in a service provisioning network
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
2,136 ETSI TS 123 303 (RTS/TSGS-0223303vh00) version 17.0.0 -- 3GPP TS 23.303 version 17.0.0 US14762742 컴퓨터기술 특허 20250101 진행중
원 v. 피고명 OO Electronics Co LTD / OO Electronics America Inc v. Koninklijke KPN NV / Nederlandse Organisatie voor ToegepastNatuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO
제품명 Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signalling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Operator-assisted key establishment, Method and telecommunications network for controlling activation of at least one terminal in a machine-type communication application, Proximity discovery, authentication and link establishment between mobile devices in 3GPP LTE, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signaling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Providing enterprise services in a service provisioning network
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
2,135 SISVEL US12884905 컴퓨터기술 특허 20250101 진행중
원 v. 피고명 OO Electronics Co LTD / OO Electronics America Inc v. Koninklijke KPN NV / Nederlandse Organisatie voor ToegepastNatuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO
제품명 Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signalling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Operator-assisted key establishment, Method and telecommunications network for controlling activation of at least one terminal in a machine-type communication application, Proximity discovery, authentication and link establishment between mobile devices in 3GPP LTE, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signaling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Providing enterprise services in a service provisioning network
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
2,134 SISVEL US12884905 컴퓨터기술 특허 20250101 진행중
원 v. 피고명 OO Electronics Co LTD / OO Electronics America Inc v. Koninklijke KPN NV / Nederlandse Organisatie voor ToegepastNatuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO
제품명 Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signalling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Operator-assisted key establishment, Method and telecommunications network for controlling activation of at least one terminal in a machine-type communication application, Proximity discovery, authentication and link establishment between mobile devices in 3GPP LTE, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signaling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Providing enterprise services in a service provisioning network
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
2,133 SISVEL US15233742 컴퓨터기술 특허 20250101 진행중
원 v. 피고명 OO Electronics Co LTD / OO Electronics America Inc v. Koninklijke KPN NV / Nederlandse Organisatie voor ToegepastNatuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO
제품명 Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signalling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Operator-assisted key establishment, Method and telecommunications network for controlling activation of at least one terminal in a machine-type communication application, Proximity discovery, authentication and link establishment between mobile devices in 3GPP LTE, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signaling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Providing enterprise services in a service provisioning network
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
2,132 SISVEL US13126601 컴퓨터기술 특허 20250101 진행중
원 v. 피고명 OO Electronics Co LTD / OO Electronics America Inc v. Koninklijke KPN NV / Nederlandse Organisatie voor ToegepastNatuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO
제품명 Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signalling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Operator-assisted key establishment, Method and telecommunications network for controlling activation of at least one terminal in a machine-type communication application, Proximity discovery, authentication and link establishment between mobile devices in 3GPP LTE, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Establishing a device-to-device communication session, Telecommunications network and method of transferring user data in signaling messages from a communication unit to a data processing centre, Providing enterprise services in a service provisioning network
상세정보 선언∙등재정보 / 분쟁정보
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